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Post-Traumatic Stress
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Aaron Roy Spungin, Ph.D.
Psychotherapy Online
Create your own life now.
Every moment, every action, and every inaction is your teacher.
There is no room for God in him that is full of himself.
Martin Buber
Meditation, Relaxation, and Awareness
Self-growth and development is based upon basic awareness. We go to the gym to maintain or develop the strength in our musculature. Developing the muscle of awareness protects us from self-destructive thoughts and behaviors. You can have the most toned muscles in the world but they are meaningless if your mind is constantly torturing you and will eventually even poison that fit body. We need to be able to spot unnecessary thoughts which are causing us sadness, anxiety, fear, shame, etc. If we strengthen our self-awareness, tone up our ability to watch our thoughts, feelings, and even bodily sensations, we learn to detach ourselves from those thought/feelings which cause us to suffer. It takes a slowing down, a tuning in, and putting a halt on self-judgment. Everything is admissible when you sit and watch. You meet the parts of yourself which you are less fond of with love and forgiveness. There is nothing that is going to hurt you in this moment. If, for example, you have suffered the loss of a loved one in a tragic manner, you may have the drive to be in super control of things. This is a less than conscious drive. By sitting quietly and watching your thoughts and feelings, you may recognize your controlling nature, understand its origin, and let it go with self-forgiveness. You can experience tremendous inner liberation in such a process. Suddenly all the energy you put into controlling things in your life can be channeled into other creative purposes.